bbai.glm package

Module contents

class bbai.glm.LogisticRegression(fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, penalty='l2', active_classes='auto', C=None, tolerance=0.0001)

Bases: object

Implements logistic regression with regularizers fit so as to maximize performance on approximate leave-one-out cross-validation.

See for background on the approach.

  • fit_intercept (bool, default=True) – Whether constant columns should be added to the feature matrix.

  • normalize (bool, default=False) – Whether to center and rescale the feature matrix columns.

  • penalty ({'l2'}, default='l2') –

    Regularization function to use

    • ’l2’ will use the function sum_i alpha |w_i|^2

  • C (float, default=None) – Inverse of regularization strength. If None, bbai will choose C so as to maximize performance on approximate leave-one-out cross-validation.

  • tolerance (float, default=0.0001) – The tolerance for the optimizer to use when deciding to stop the objective. With a lower value, the optimizer will be more stringent when deciding whether to stop searching.


>>> from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
>>> from bbai.glm import LogisticRegression
>>> X, y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True)
>>> model = LogisticRegression(normalize=True).fit(X, y)
                # Defaults to use the regularizer l2 and finds the
                # hyperparameters that maximize performance on
                # approximate leave-one-out cross-validation.
>>> print(model.C_) # print out the hyperparameters
fit(X, y)

Fit the model to the training data.


Get parameters for this estimator.


Predict class labels for the given feature matrix.


Predict class log probabilities for the given feature matrix.


Predict class probabilities for the given feature matrix.


Set parameters for this estimator.

class bbai.glm.RidgeRegression(fit_intercept=True, normalize=False, penalty='l2', alpha=None, tolerance=0.0001)

Bases: object

Implements regularized regression with regularizers fit so as to maximize performance on leave-one-out cross-validation.

  • fit_intercept (bool, default=True) – Whether a constant column should be added to the feature matrix.

  • normalize (bool, default=False) – Whether to center and rescale the feature matrix columns.

  • alpha (float, default=None) – Regularization strength. If None, bbai will choose alpha so as to maximize performance on leave-one-out cross-validation.

  • tolerance (float, default=0.0001) – The tolerance for the optimizer to use when deciding to stop the objective. With a lower value, the optimizer will be more stringent when deciding whether to stop searching.


>>> from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
>>> from bbai import RidgeRegression
>>> X, y = load_boston(return_X_y=True)
>>> model = RidgeRegression().fit(X, y)
                # Defaults to use the regularizer l2 and finds the
                # hyperparameters that maximize performance on
                # leave-one-out cross-validation.
>>> print(model.alpha_) # print out the hyperparameters
fit(X, y)

Fit the model to the training data.


Get parameters for this estimator.


Predict target values.


Set parameters for this estimator.

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